You should begin thinking about marketing at the same time as product development. But don’t worry! There is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing, there are plenty of marketing websites and resources that you can reference.
Marketing is where many people often get stuck, so if you are in a similar situation, then don’t be discouraged. Marketing tactics may change over time as technology changes, but marketing strategies stay the same over time.
The trick is to find marketing websites that stay on top of these strategies and tactics for you so that you can use them when you are ready to level-up your marketing game! To help get you started, I have compiled a list of five marketing resources worth bookmarking for future reference!
1. Yoast Academy
Key benefit: SEO tutorials
If you use WordPress for your website, then you have heard of Yoast. They offer a free and paid plugin for WordPress that helps you with search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, I use it for the GapScout site on every article.
No question, it is an incredibly helpful piece of software, but what cannot be overlooked are their courses on SEO. They have a huge library of SEO course content available to help individuals and small businesses wrap their heads around how to get the most out of content marketing for their business.
I highly recommend taking some of their free courses and paying for any premium course that you believe is relevant for your business.
2. Fizzle
Key Benefit: Business advice for the creator economy
Want to get paid doing what you love, and by making an impact? If so, then Fizzle is one of the best marketing websites that you can save to your shortlist of resources!
Known primarily for their podcast, Fizzle places an emphasis on helping the individual creator earn a living, and eventually build a thriving business, by doing what they love. It’s more than just a podcast though, as they have a blog with great articles on marketing, brand positioning, and finding your unique value.
As is the case with many websites like this, they offer online courses to help guide individual entrepreneurs in the right direction.
3. Justin Jackson
Key Benefit: Boostrapped SaaS startup advice
Marketing websites for SaaS startups are quite common, and not all are created equal. Still, it is always helpful to hear stories and advice from people who have traveled further down the path that you want to go.
Justin Jackson is an entrepreneur who has runs a successful SaaS and at the same time helps other bootstrapping entrepreneurs with his articles and paid masterminds.
His blog is worth a read, and so is subscribing to his email list. Yes, he will suggest that you sign up for his paid programs – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
If you are trying to start a software company, then Justin’s website is definitely worth bookmarking.
4. Groove Blog
Key Benefit: Founder’s journey
I first learned about Groove and the blog back in 2013. The founder at the time was very open with his journey starting a SaaS, and as a result, he shared golden nuggets of information.
Today, the company is well-established, in large part due to their blog. It has since transitioned from a “personal journey” blog, and now has several categories applicable to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
That said, the founder, Alex Turnbull, still creates content – and it is extremely insightful for anyone who is starting or growing a business.
5. Conversion XL
Key Benefit: Conversion focused tips & tools
The previous marketing websites mentioned in this article are focused on ways to generate visibility and strategies for increasing your revenue – all great things. Conversion XL (CXL) focuses on one thing: converting lookers into buyers.
We have discussed the importance of a robust conversion strategy before, and how it is critical to the success of any business. The blog at CXL goes deeper into this subject.
Of course, their blog is a great resource, but they also have playbooks, training, and other premium offerings that you can explore.
Save these marketing websites, but don’t get overwhelmed.
I am first to admit that it can be overwhelming to constantly reference helpful articles from industry experts. The amount of proven advice out there is staggering.
First, you don’t have to implement every strategy that you come across. Pick one or two and implement them correctly. That will get you a lot further than trying to do too many things at once, and doing all of it poorly.
In addition, this approach makes it easy for you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
Undoubtedly, you will discover more great marketing website resources just by visiting the ones I have shared in this article. Save the ones that give you value, but don’t fall into the trap of constantly searching for the “next big thing” with marketing. The truth is, marketing principles transcend time. The tactics may change, but the concepts do not.
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